Assessment & Strategy

Wallbrink Landscape Architecture provide expertise in landscape assessment, visual assessment, maintenance strategies, landscape guidelines and strategies

Manningham Green Wedge Infrastructure Design Guide

We have extensive experience in developing landscape guidelines and strategies for Government authorities

The Manningham Green Wedge Infrastructure Guide is landscape character focused and provides strategies to help facilitate the visual response t to the landscape for proposed new or upgraded civil infrastructure. The Design Guide assists in the design of sensitive, site responsive and visually compatible civil infrastructure in Manningham Council’s Green Wedge.

Bulla Bypass Landscape & Visual Assessment

We provide expertise in the landscape and visual assessment and visual simulation of major projects.

Wallbrink Landscape Architecture was engaged by VicRoads to provide a detailed study of landscape and visual impacts for the Melbourne Airport Link to Outer Metropolitan Ring and Bulla Bypass Planning Study. The study included policy review, the development of planning objectives and mitigation measures and ‘before’ and ‘after’ photo montages of the road alignment options.

Officer Masterplan

Our aim is to facilitate positive change and to provide engaging places for people.

With the broad aim of fostering positive change at Officer, the masterplan explores the relationship between people and outdoor spaces to inform the future place of Officer. A ‘design language’ has been adopted that explores the potential of connection with nature, history and people and the embedding of sustainability initiatives. The masterplan provides the framework that will inform the many possibilities at Officer over the next twenty years.